Release Notes 15.02 (9943)
Release: 15-02.9943
- Chris Tate-Davies - Adrian Speigal - Max Ricketts
It is no longer possible to unallocate costing lines from a Reversal or Deposit Reversal. - 4107
Reselecting a Project on the Job header now clears the Job Quote ID field if the 'use primary quote as default' setting is disabled. - 4147
Fixed issue where the 'Not allocated to Transaction' count for Internal Charges would sometimes be incorrect. - 4185
You can no longer attach costing rows to an Invoice that are not in the same currency as the invoice. - 4034
You can no longer change the depot of an Internal Accounts Transaction if the new depot uses a different currency than the original depot. - 4034
You can no change a conflicting 2nd Pencil resource's status to Confirmed or Pencil. - 3815
Fixed issue where the Purchase Order auhtorisation number could potentially be overwritten if the PO was open by two different users at the same time. - 4209
You can no longer Cancel an Accounts Transaction that has costs allocated to it. - 4200
Fixed issue where the user would recieve a message to say a valid service should be selected when trying to edit the quantity of a non-discountable service on the Job Billing tab. - 4148