CETA Software

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Release Notes 15.05 (10340)

Release: 15-05.10340
- Adrian Speigal - Chris Tate-Davies - Hannah Chatfield - Sam Edney - Steve Lilley-Hopkins

QUOTE: Added a button to each Quote Section which will enable a Markup Percentage to be applied to the whole quote section. - 3884

QUOTE: Clicking Tier 1,2 & 3 Links on a Quote now prompts whether to apply to whole Quote or or just the Section. - 1339

PROJECT: Searching for a person in the "Team" search box on the Project Search page will now return any projects with a matching team member. - 3896

QUOTE: When copying a Quote, if the source Quote contains Services that have been deleted, the user will now receive a message to say that the Services should be removed from the new Quote. - 3870

SCHEDULE: The 'Show All Bookings' tickbox on the Schedule is now saved & 'remembered' per user. - 4213

REPORTS: Added an option to group Depots together on the Dashboard Live P&L report. Setup using ‘locationgroup’ category in Combo Box Options. - 3979

SCHEDULE: Added ability to show national Holidays in a different colour per Depot (remains the default pale red if not specified). Requires xref.jsoninformation field to be filled in for Depot, eg: "holidaycolour":"#FF0000 - 4072

BILLING: It is now possible to enter a custom amount of tax on an Invoice. You must have a tax code of "MAN" in the system for this tax box to become editable. - 3893

QUOTE: When assigning a manual value to a Quote Detail line, this is remembered in a flag field, and highlighted on the Quote Actuals page, so you can see it has been manually entered. The only way to clear the flag, is to use the Reset button. - 3892

PDF: Added the ability to set the PDF file size using a new Config setting - $WKHTML_TO_PDF_PAPER_SIZE. This can be "A4" or "letter" and defaults to A4. - 4158

SYSTEM: Added the ability to specify Left or Right positions in the 'custom control' configuration. Previously, only Left was available and this makes it much easier to position things that stay in the right place when resizing windows. - 4335

SYSTEM: Added ability to add a Colour for the caption text on Custom Controls, ('caption-colour'). - 4335

QUOTE: The Quote Detail row Non-discountable flag can now be altered on Quote lines even if not using the 'quote detail' system. Note however if a Service is flagged as Non-discountable in the Rate Card, you cannot make the Service Discountable in the Quote. This currently only affects discounting the Quote, not the subsequent Job costings. - 3923

QUOTE: Added new menu option to Quotes for spreading the One Time Discount. Requires setting (quote_one_time_discountable_codes) to have valid codes and user to have new permission. Also re-confirms the Quote to apply the new rates. - 3583

QUOTE: Fixed bug where when creating a new Quote the Payment Type would not be saved. - 3905

QUOTE: Changed the default custom date field default value to be timezone aware, on the covering letter template of a Quote. - 3233

QUOTE: Fixed a bug where changing a Job’s Quote would not update the DMG rates as per the new Quote. - 4003

BILLING: Creating an Interim Billing Approval from a Quote, will now set the VAT code correctly. - 3893

BILLING: Fixed an issue where Job Billing rows would always generate a Gekko line item - even if the Job was not actually Costed or above.

CRM: Added feature to allow the searching of Contacts who are not connected to a Company record. This was only an issue if the Contacts were imported into the database since the only way to add a Contact to iCFM is via a Company.

BILLING: The list of Accounts Transactions on the Job Billing tab now only shows Non-Exported transactions.

SECURITY: The Menu item for Artists Hours is now visible as long as the /actualscollection permission enabled.

REPORTS: Fixed issue with Our Contact & Location being incorrect in results table on the 'Kelly 4' Management Report, where the Service is 'Others'. - 4153

JOB: Fixed a JavaScript bug when adding client attending information - 2982

PROJECT: Fixed a bunch of currency conversion issues with the revenue forecast reports - 4634

BILLING: Fixed a bug that prevented a user from no-charging an internal charge - 4685

BILLING: Fixed a bug which meant you could not create a new costing row when no charging an existing one - 4573

JOB: Fixed an issue where child services (with fractions of durations) would be updated to the full duration when saving a job. - 4577

QUOTE: Fixed an issue where altering the discount/quote total on a quote wouldn't always recalculate the revenue for non-manual splits (i.e. 50/50, 75/25) - 4531

SCHEDULE: Fixed a strange error which would cause the schedule to not redraw nicely if you open iCFM from a saved bookmark - 4604

PURCHASE: Added the Project Number, Product Name and Project Title to the Purchase Order Authorisation email. - 4443

PURCHASE: Added some new options to make the Purchase Order Completion process easier. Firstly, some new options are available to auto populate all completion detail rows if the details are the same for each row. Secondly, it is possible to click the Goods Received button which will default the completion details to Invoice Number = TBA, Invoice Amount = PO detail amount, Invoice Date = PO Delivery Date. It will also set the PO to Completed. Both these features are off by default. - 3970

BILLING: It is no longer possible to allocate something to a Deposit Invoice if it has been allocated/exported. - 3947

QUOTE: It is now possible to choose which Discount value to use (discount with or without extras), to evaluate if the 'Risk Assessment' discount percentage threshold has been reached, before being able to Confirm a Quote. - 3517

REPORTS: The Exported Accounts Transaction Management Report has been amended so that it only shows the first line of the description. - 3940

REPORTS: Updated the 'Kelly 4' Management Report to include Projects with Confirmed (or Completed) Quotes, but no Jobs - previously these were excluded. - 4153

SYSTEM: Added the ability to edit the JSON Information field in the Combo Box Options section. This is required for adding the breakdown of holiday (eg. half day holiday, half day in lieu) ready for the 'Holiday 2' report. - 4072

BILLING: New Internal Account Transactions now default to the Users Depot, and default allocation for 'Invoice From' - instead of defaulting to the Project location & Project Type. - 4183

REPORTS: The Project Session List report will now take into account the status tickboxes on the Project Jobs tab (but only if this tab is selected). - 1739

REPORTS: Added the Project Title to the header of the Session List report. - 3992

PURCHASE: When a Job is created from a Purchase Order, the edited Service description from the PO is now added to the extended description of the Resource Service row on the Job Schedule tab. - 1804

QUOTE: Prevented message popping up after moving focus from the Quote section comment editor, which happens if quote cannot be edited (due to status etc). - 3853

REPORTS: The Accounts Transaction ID is now displayed in the 'Ref 2' field on the Invoice Export report. - 4065

QUOTE: Copying a Quote and moving to a different Project will now use the Project start and end dates for the new Quote. - 3906

REPORTS: Added the Allocation column to 'Artist Hours Incl Extras' report. (Only applicable if the report is enabled). - 3836

DASHBOARD: The Dashboard To Do list and Bad Boys tabs now work with the Project Costing Contact as well as the Our Contact and Alt Contact. - 3811

QUOTE: When adding Markup to a Quote Detail Section, only the details are now refreshed, rather than the entire Quote. - 3884

BILLING: The Tax options drop-down list on Client Billing is now ordered by the VAT Rate ID. - 3893

QUOTE: Quotes with invalid Services can no longer be Confirmed. - 4054

SYSTEM: The Cost Centre field in the Resource List search criteria is now a drop-down list. - 4085

JOB: Moved the 'Cancelled' and 'Unavailable' status information in the Check Flags pop-up to the top of the Job display page, to make more sense with regard to chronology of statuses.

CRM: Added the Title, (salutation), into the Company Contact table. - 4081

CRM: The Company Type (Advertiser/Supplier/Customer/etc) labels are now clickable on the Company page. - 4093

SYSTEM: Removed all duplicate items from the Main Menu that can be found in the Admin Options section (Rate Card/Resource List/User Information). - 4084

QUOTE: Changing a Quote Detail row to be No Discount will now remove any existing discount on that line. - 4172

QUOTE: It is now possible to delete Quote Detail rows if they are not used later on in the Project. If you add a Service later on that doesn't exist, then they are added to a section on the Quote title ‘Not Quoted’. - 4311

DASHBOARD: Added the Copy and Export buttons back onto the Revenue to Bill Dashboard tab. Please note this requires Flash on the user's computer. - 4010

SCHEDULE: We've improved the right click context menu on the schedule to fit nicer on the screen and a bunch of new options like opening bids. - 4563

QUOTE: If you have the comments on a quote always visible, adding a new item to a quote will cause the page to refresh and you won't be in the same place as you were before you saved. - 3019

GENERAL: You can cancel a job when it has media attached which will then not get costed. You can also attach media to an already cancelled job. - 4556

GENERAL: We have issues with the occasional foreign character in iCFM. Not all, but some fail to save correctly in jobs and contact records. - 4588 - 3188

MEDIA: You can delete media, even if it has been costed. - 4516

PURCHASE: If you edit the descriptions on a PO (that has a job ID) then the descriptions on the JOB are not always updated to match. - 4632

JOB: When adding an attachment to a job, the whole window is refreshed and the default tab selected, so you have to reclick on the attachments tab to see them. - 4644