CETA Software

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Release Notes 15.11

Release: 15-11.11262
- Hannah Chatfield - Sam Edney - Steve Lilley-Hopkins - Max Ricketts - Adrian Speigal - Chris Tate-Davies

Added ability to 'bookmark' dates on the Schedule. You can move to a date, click a bookmark button (bottom right), then move to another date. Then you can click the bookmark button to go straight back to that date. To clear the button (so you can set to a different date) right click it. Good things come in threes, as do bookmark buttons. -

Added 'Cost Estimate' feature to Project > Summary tab (PO section). This is a way of storing a manually created value for what the Producer thinks will be the total spend on a Project that can be used in some management reports. - 5367

Added ability to add custom form fields to company contact screen. If you need some additional information stored that iCFM doesnt currently support, you can add extra controls on to the page yourself (with a bit of help). Ask us for details. - 5288

Added ability to add watermark to Quote / Bid report printout. This is so you can send a bid out, while making it clear that it is not agreed. - 4811

Added ability to apply markup to entire Quote / Bid. If you use the Mark-Up feature - you can now apply a percentage to everything on a bid. - 5042

Added ability to create custom forms. This is a huge deal and means you can eventually create your own front-end to iCFM. We were getting too many requests to hide or show certain fields, so have created a method for you to just build your own layouts. - 4898

Added ability to filter Leads with no Project Type, in Lead Search. Previously, there was no way to do this - you had to choose a Project Type. - 5522

Added ability to prefix auto generated Library / Media barcodes depending on the iCFM Host they were created from. This is useful for environments where data is replicated and a loss of connectivity might result in duplicate barcodes. - 4994

Added ability to toggle whether markup is to be applied or not, at project level, (ie for Sundries / Misc Costs and Shipping / Despatch notes). This is useful if you dont want to mark up your food costs for a charity job, for example. - 148

Added checkbox to allow showing of Pencil jobs in DMG Control. This means that if you need your tech-ops to see jobs that are not yet Confirmed... you can. - 3556

New: Added contact history info to Lead > Team. This allows you to see all the linked Projects, Leads, Companies etc - historically associated with a Contact. - 5214

If you are tracking commission for Artists, we have added a feature to 'spread' the project team's commission, using the staff costs for freelancers booked. This is applied when closing a Project. - 4018

Added Job Type filters to dynamic view search in Schedule. Allows you to hide certain job types when searching. - 5053

Added prompt to confirm delivery date is correct when marking a PO as 'Goods Received'. Some users were forgetting to update the date which sent reports out. - 4943

Added Quote/Bid 'Spread One-Time Discount' option, to apply discount to a preset list of services which may be on the quote. Very useful if you use the one-time discount feature and want to track your actuals at the rate that includes that discount. - 4566

Added safeguard that checks a list of iCFM URL's to make sure they are all up. If enabled, you will not be allowed to Confirm a project when the link is down, to help prevent duplicates or other issues. - 4827

Added status filters to Project > Cross Site tab. - 5067

Holiday and Shift Editors have been combined into one, with greatly improved functionality (such as 'book every Monday'). New access code required for saving shifts: /editshift. - 361 - 3539 - 3902

It is now possible to detach a Contact from a Company via the Contact > Companies tab. Previously you could only set them as Inactive. - 4051

Values from the Job > DMG input/output 'File' menu options can now be hidden if desired. - 3354

Job Type filter selection on DMG Control is now stored for each user. This means when you log out or back in, you wil have the same options as when you left. - 2809

Jobs can now be re-costed even if they have Allocated/Prepared/Exported costings, without losing the Allocated etc. costing details. This means you dont have to roll the Job back to fix minor issues. - 5328

Prices and staff costs can now be edited 'in-line' in the Ratecard editor. Simply click in to the cell and edit the value (no need to open the pop-up). - 4647

Users newly added to iCFM will now receive a 'welcome' email. Ahhh... 'Welcome'. - 5269

Job display routines have changed so that when you return to an open job tab, it checks to see if has been modified and if so refreshes. This prevents saving with potentially 'old' data. - 5680

'Interim' Job dates can now be edited. This allows you to move the date that the value is tracked from, without the need to go create reversals and all that rigmarole. - 5297

On the job page, values for Actual times now default to '-' rather than zero. It was previously not possible to tell if someone had entered a 0 or if it had not yet been set. - 5246

Added delivery date as criteria on PO search. - 5189

Added depot/service/project # filters, and totals to he 'Freelancer Bookings' management reports. - 4934

Added Sundry / Misc Cost supplier name to the Project 'Cross Site' tab table (in Resource column). - 5082

Contact dropdowns now limit the no. results shown to 30 to increase speed & responsiveness. Make sure you type the first few letters if you cant see the droids you're looking for. - 5195

Users can add comments to leads directly from the Dashboard tab. - 5531

Improved Quote / Bid page layout & appearance and increased font size over all. -

The content of the Job Actual Times tab type can now be configured per job type. - 5120

Change: Made several improvements & fixes to SAP invoice export. - 4876 - 5429

Multiple statuses can now be filtered in Lead Search. - 5214

New look login screen. -

Project Spot length fields can now contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters. - 4805

User is no longer prompted whether to include/exclude weekends when splitting a job, if the job booking period does not include any weekend days! - 4103

Added 'cause of death' prompt when making a Lead inactive. This will eventually become a drop down / form - but for now it's just a text prompt. - 5214

Fix: 'Gekko trend' can now be used on shared hosts. This is a tool for keeping track of changes, by taking snapshots of the financials on a project over time. - 5155

'Gekko' data could be missing for costing lines manually added. - 5524

Fix: 'Gekko' data could be missing revenue for the last resource schedule service completed. (This would have been rectified when Costing the job). - 5656

'Gekko' data was sometimes created for Cancelled jobs. - 5398

'jsoninformation' field can now be edited for all categories in Combo Box Options. - 5120

'Revenue Forecast' 2 report would not return any data. - 5384

Altering one-time discount on a Quote/Bid, would sometimes result in the total discount being displayed as zero. - 5563

Apply Discount menu option may have been hidden (depending on system settings) in Quote / Bid. - 5422

Choosing a cost centre on the Schedule dynamic view creator wouldn't filter through to the view contents. - 5435

City / State is now only auto-filled when by zipcode, if the Country selected is United States. - 5462

Columns displayed in Project > Margins grid could have been incorrect (depending on settings used). - 5236

Copied quotes could show revenue for 1970. - 5257

Cost Tracker now totals daily / weekly services correctly. - 5393

Deleting a Resource now retains its GUID. - 5176

Despatch/Shipping Notes with costs in non-project currency would be costed incorrectly on related job. - 5579

DMG Control chime would sound every refresh, whether there were any new jobs or not. - 5674

DMG Control was showing deadline date of some jobs to be 1 hour out. - 5135

Editing a project team member could lose connection to resource (freelancer). - 5152

Existing contacts list did not work properly in Contact screen, when typing in a Full Name. - 5581

Fixed missing data issue in Project > Cross Site table. - 5187

Flat rates were not being spread correctly on DMG services of pre-Costed jobs. - 5583

It was possible under some rare circumstances to alter costs on an unprepared Invoice, by re-Confirming the associated quote. - 5298

It were possible for transactions with costings from non-Costed jobs to become Prepared (if using 'auto-prepare' functionality). - 5631

Job start/end times may have been displayed in UTC, rather than local time. - 5242

Jobs which started and ended on a weekend could result in negative hours for service durations. - 5377

Lasso replace services tool would not always be usable due to service dropdown not containing any services. - 5693

Library/Media items could sometimes not be duplicated. - 5314

Live Ratecard total in Project > Margins was incorrect. - 5230

Mandatory fields may not have been indicated by bold font, when making a new Project. - 5264

Markup was not always applied properly to flat rate quoted items. - 5083

Minor display issue on Schedule tab of Job, for PO jobs. - 5651

Our Contact dropdown on Company > CRT Team tab would not filter out deleted resources. - 5216

Page would take a long time to load when making a new Quote / Bid. - 5258

Pink background colour had been inadvertently removed for non-started jobs in DMG Control. - 5133

Please Wait notification would disappear before operation had finished when splitting jobs. - 5290

PO project currency figures may have been incorrect (for non-project currency PO's). - 5113

Project > Service Costs tab could show incorrect info for PO's, due to issues with 'Gekko'. - 4984

Project currency figures were not re-calculated when copying Quotes / Bids (in non-project currency). - 5388

Project validation would not always work in quotes/bids (allowing invalid project to be allowed if typed in). - 5513

Project Working/Internal Title is now read only until user un-links title/working title. - 5369

Quote / Bid summary grid would sometimes show incorrect inside/outside (aggregate/extra), and total figures. - 5271

Quote Risk Assessment summary could not be saved if it contained a Euro symbol. - 5608

Quote templates were not working properly if server PHP version < 5.3. - 5376

Re-Costing a job may have not worked correctly for services completed by the API (v1). - 5218

Saving job would sometimes reset the duration of the attached resources. - 5229

Schedule 'slide job' function would sometimes not allow a slide back towards to start of the visible schedule. - 5399 - 5401

Some resources may not have been displayed in Our Contact dropdowns. - 5206

Source items can no longer be deleted, if associated with Allocated/Prepared/Exported costing lines. - 5328

Spelling mistake in Schedule job tooltip. - 5188

Tab order was incorrect in User Information editor. - 5346

There could be incorrect figures in Project > Margins data, when filtered by depot. - 5261

Updating a Project now also updates any connected QAR records. - 5582

Updating a Project now also updates any connected Sundry / Misc Cost records. - 5299

Users could exceed their PO limit by adding items or altering totals, after PO has been Authorised (if their permissions allows altering of Authorised PO's). - 5721

Utilisation management reports were not working. - 5416

Various problems could occur with resulting jobs when using Schedule 'Split Job' feature, particularly when separating first day, or splitting into weeks. - 5050 - 5235 - 5562 - 5658

Fixed a bug that stopped DMG rows from being updated when the quote was changed for the job they are attached to. - 5745

When using the lasso to change resources/services on a bunch of jobs, the list of the items to update are not grouped, so there were a lot of repeated items. This has been squashed. - 5733

Quote / Bid status buttons would not work after copying a quote (clearing the dates), and attmpting to change the status (failing due to missing dates). - 5753

When swapping resources on a job, the resource list shows 'Unavailable' resources and they shouldn't be visible. - 5629

If you have a superuser with a --/accesscode - it is not actually applied correctly. This means you cannot restrict functionality from a superuser currently. - 5072

If you are using a separate project number range for 'CONFIRMED' projects, and you have the project open, and then open a New bid and confirm it, the project number will change but the project tab you have open will still show the old one. If you save that project without refreshing it, it will give the user a confusing error message - 5741

On occasion, there may be Gekko costing data for an uncosted job when the related quote is confirmed, even if the job is not costed. - 5743