CETA Software

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Release Notes 17.02

New Features


  • Added a column for "cost to date" to project list on Dashboard home. This means that you can keep track of spending easily on any of your projects that are listed. [9212]


  • We’ve made an adjustment to how the Lead budget value is used. Now, if you add individual budget lines via the Extra Data tab, the sum of those budget lines will override the budget value entered when initially creating the Lead. Deleting the individual budget lines will reset the value back to the original. [8302]

  • We now display the 'Cause of Death' reason in the Lead search results. [8230]

  • We now add an event log entry whenever a Lead changes status. This will allow 3rd party applications to retrieve lead and project data from iCFM when the lead status is changed. [8282]

  • We have added a new 'Actions’ column to the lead search results. This column contains the icons to change a Leads status. We have also added a new column for Lead status. The cells in this column are shaded in a specific colour to represent the current status, New = Yellow, Active = Orange, Inactive = Red. [8292]

  • We have tidied up the data that is included in the event logs which are created when manipulating a Leads status, stage and adding and deleting comments. The data that is included when making these types of changes is specific to that particular event. [9402]


  • We’ve removed some error handling related to PDF functionality as on certain Linux distributions a false error message would be displayed when there was no error occurring. [10321]


  • Added the ability to enter a maximum discount percentage to each service in the rate card. If you exceed the maximum discount level of a service when creating a bid, the discount percentage on that detail line will be highlighted in Red, and ‘TOO HIGH!’ text will be displayed underneath the discount percentage value. If you have services which have exceeded their maximum discount percentage, then you will be unable to Confirm the Bid, (unless you have the permission to always allow discount on a Bid). Additionally, we have also made it possible to customise the colour that the text is highlighted in if the percentage is exceeded. [6782]

  • Fixed an issue with the priority of rates when creating a new quote. If the user chose a template which included built-in rates, those rates would take priority over any custom rates that the client and/or product had. Now the template rates are only used if there is no other custom ratecard - since the client's rates (or product) are always more appropriate. [8223]

Quote Auth

  • We’ve added the name of the person who authorised a Bid along with the date it was authorised to the custom quote confirmation pop-up. [7616]

  • If you are using the advanced quote authorisation rules, it is now possible to explain that certain rules override others, so that they do not need multiple approvals. This means that someone with a high level of access can approve rules that might require a lower level (eg). [7815]


  • Added a Job status indicator to the bar on the schedule. Sometimes it is possible to have a Job with the status of Pencil, yet one of the resources on the Job might be a 2nd Pencil. The bar would be displayed in Pink - but the Job is technically a Pencil. This change will display a small box in the top corner of a Job in this situation, in the colour of the Job's status. [7748]

  • The Job context menu on the Schedule page now has an option to split Jobs into months. This method of splitting jobs will automatically include weekends.


  • Adding an option from the DMG Input menu will now utilise an empty cell if one exists. [11162]

  • The DMG Input and Output columns can now contain unlimited text. Previously they were both restricted to 1000 characters. [8681]


  • We have added a new ‘Show Invoices’ button to the Purchase Order header section which will allow you to create a list of invoices that have been received for that particular PO. You can then search for those invoice numbers via the PO search page. [145]


  • It is now possible to generate unique GUID’s from the resource information pop-up on the main Schedule page. If a GUID already exists for the selected resource, you will receive a message to confirm that you wish to overwrite. [4944]




  • It is now possible to order Project Types in the drop down for certain locations. NOTE - this is not available for all Depots. [8034]


  • Fixed issue whereby the project 'reconciliation' process would not be fully successful if the reconciliation transaction includes costing line(s) not associated with a quote. [8088]


  • Fixed an annoyance where the new DMG deadline box behaved a little differently to how it used to. We added a config setting to allow you to put this behaviour back to its "original" methods. If you are finding the new 3-date boxes annoying when booking "DMG" type work - let us know and we can discuss what this setting does. [8235]

  • The Attachment count display box in DMG is no longer editable. [8611]


  • Added columns to Project > Accruals table: Amount (non-cumulative), Costs or Ratecard (depending on $USE_COST_FOR_YIELD) and Yield. In an effort to show where yield is incorrect, the table will highlight where Costs/Ratecard value is zero (yield will be incorrect in this case). Also, Yield is highlighted where it does not match the desired accrual amount for the accrual period. [9111]

  • Added ability to use either actual units or billable units to calculate staff costs on a Job. Some users found that the rounding was required for what was to be billed to a client, but not what you would be charged by an artist. [8150]


  • If you want to override some of our styling, or hide controls from the software - it is now possible for us to do this on a site-by-site basis. We have set this up so that it will be possible for you to (at some point) edit this file directly - so you can change the layout yourselves using CSS. [9692]


  • Added a setting to determine whether service booked duration is calculated simply by start/end time difference or adhering to 'fractional billing' rules. Dependant on other system settings. Fractional billing is a method we can configure for you - which allows you to do rounding on your actuals. Eg. If an artist does 6 hours - we can round that up to a full day when it comes to charging. There are various options - please let us know if you would like to discuss. [8236]


  • Fixed a timer issue which meant the DMG control page could be initialised more than once and end up constantly refreshing, slowing the system down dramatically. [8248]


  • The total cost table now has the correct access code wrapping it. Previously used /showFinance when it should have been /displayFinance. [7879]


  • Fixed issue whereby it was sometimes possible to edit one time DISCOUNT on a Confirmed bid. [8881]


  • Fixed issue where the Project Profit and Loss report would not be displayed. [10471]


Bug Fixes


  • Fixed problem that would result in incomplete 'gekko' data for job(s), after creating a Reversal. [8255]

  • Fixed issue which meant billing approvals created from Project > Summary in an alternate currency would result in the exchange rate being rounded to 2 decimal places. [9112]

  • Internal billing approvals are no longer included in the 'Billing Approvals' section on the Project summary page. [9171]


  • Fixed the missing LOW PRIORITY colouring on the DMG control screen. [8210]

  • We've fixed a major bug which was creating multiple refresh timers on the DMG control. If you opened the DMG control and then a different page and then went back to the control, there would be 2 timers refreshing the control page. This was putting the servers under a lot of strain, and we have resolved it. [8209]

  • A blank input line, (with clip id), is no longer created when adding a new job DMG request. This is currently being modified so that a blank line is created automatically - but will be -reused if an option is selected using the green (+) button. [7913]

  • We've made it so that the deadline box always shows on all jobs, and if a person tries to save a DMG style job with no deadline, it copies the end date instead. A deadline is required for a new DMG request row to be added. [8167]


  • Fixed issue where the project list would always show the Estimated cost rather than the bid estimates. It is possible to manually type in what you expect the costs to be, via a link at the top of the Purchase Order list on the Project summary tab. This was always being used as the estimate - when often the Bid costs would be more suitable. [10452]

  • The 'Your Scheduled Jobs' list on the Home tab of the dashboard now displays a list of services for 'Purchase Order' type Jobs in the Resources column. Previously nothing would be displayed in the cell for this type of Job. [8141]


  • Fixed an issue which caused the status of costing rows to not be updated from ‘Prepared’ to ‘Exported’ when exporting financial data into Sage. [8244]


  • Added a vertical scrollbar to the new service costs table in the Job header - because if there are too many services, some of the other text fields in the header may be obscured. [8159]

  • Improved the gekko engine by preventing data from being queued unnecessarily. Deleting an already costed item from a Job would not clean up the Billing row's gekko data. [7756]


  • The information in the notes and audio standard is now copied when duplicating media. [8601]


  • Added support for more time zones. [9032]

  • The email which is automatically sent when a Purchase Order is cancelled now uses the user ID to identify the person who authorised the order. Previously we used the initials which would cause issues if your system is set up to allow several users to have the same initials. [8241]


  • Fixed issue where the Product Brand field would not be cleared if you re-selected a Product which didn't have a brand. [8116]


  • The Project Cross Site Report now includes Purchase Order costs. [8108]

  • If custom Quote Confirmation rules are in place on your system, it is now possible to have specific rules override others. This will circumvent the requirement for several people to sign off on a rule when only a single high-level authorisation will suffice. If this doesn't make sense to you - it is probably because you are not using our custom-quote authorisation rules. You can safely ignore it - but if you want to implement a complex system of approvals before you can print out bids - please ask us about it. [6815]

  • If using the overtime tracking methods, there was an issue where actual hours would not be shown correctly in the Cost Tracker. This has now been fixed. [9632]

  • Fixed issue where billing menu was hidden behind pop up, Z order when viewing a Project. [8207]

  • Removed outdated 'Gekko Created Date' from various project tabs. [8441]


  • The Purchase Order section totals now come from the supplier invoice amount if the PO has been completed. [8140]

  • We fixed a bug which meant that "auto-completing" a PO would copy the price including VAT when it should have omitted the tax. [8277]

  • Fixed issue with the currency validation on the purchase orders. Now it checks to see if you are actually changing the currency before alerting that you cannot. [9591]


  • Fixed a bug which prevented you copying and pasting a quote detail line. [8212]

  • Fixed bug with the quote detail Reset staff cost link which did not work when clicked. It is possible to manually enter an estimated staff cost on a row - and there was no way of switching it back to the automatically calculated value. [8117]


  • Fixed problem whereby 'Outstanding Services' screen was not working as it should (it was actually showing 'Actuals Collection' screen). [8931]


  • Fixed inability to view resource weekend (W/E) and overtime (O/T) rates (if enabled) in Resource List editor. [8361]

  • Fixed display issue with Overhead Code dropdown in Resource List editor. [8270]


  • Fixed issue with dynamic view creation on the schedule which would not always render correctly if the ‘show all jobs’ checkbox was not ticked [9161]


  • Fixed an issue that would allow you to attach a Job to a Sundry Cost record that did not belong to the selected Project. [8273]

  • We've fixed a bug where a sundry NOT attached to a project might sometimes get allocated to a specific project (if you have a project with the project number 0 - typically only possible if there is old imported data). [10421]


  • Fixed issue that caused the "export" buttons to be removed from some tables. [8228]


  • We have added a requirement to append a token to some of our web-services. This now means we can publish data outside of your network to those who know your token. The most common use for this is adding a graphic to your desktop with today's confirmed jobs - so you don't even need to open iCFM to see today's schedule. A tool such as GeekTool or Conky is required to achieve the desktop effect. [11411]