Release Notes 17.11
New Features
Added time zones check for new depots - Silver Spring, Baltimore and DC. [26343]
Added support for Boulder and Denver (both Colorado) timezones. Use BLDR and DNVR as Depot names. [22881]
Added ability to cost multiple jobs in one hit from Job Search. Optional - please contact CETA if you wish this to be enabled. [8013]
Fixed an issue where Internal billing approvals could not be edited if they had any line-items assigned to them. [22191]
Made a small change to the dashboard Revenue Forecast report which makes it more clear that the user needs enter either a Project Number, Service Code, Department or Payroll Code and not a combination of all four criteria. [24931]
We've integrated Quickbooks Accounts export into iCFM. This is for the Windows Desktop version. Please contact CETA if you wish to use this package. [18161]
* Fixed issues with Lead > Team Role & Name dropdowns, added Commission field and Clear button. * Added Type, Industry, Reps & Probability fields to Lead header info. The former 3 are dropdowns whose options can be configured in Combo Box Options (leadtype, leadindustry, leadreps). [16081]
Added a new '+' icon to the Lead 'Team' tab which will allow you to create a new contact record. [21371]
Added Live Action Date fields to the Lead budget tab. This will allow you to specify a date range for each budget type. [16071]
The iCFM username is now added as the prefix to MySQL queries to make it easier to track issues in the log files. [23191]
Several new features/fixes added to the Project Milestones tab - 1. Changed the layout of the Project Milestones tab so that the editor is fixed on the left hand side and the list of milestones is in a separate section. 2. Added a tool tip which is displayed in the same style as the Bookings on the main schedule. 3. Added the ability to delete and copy existing milestones. 4. Added the ability to change the start and end dates of several Milestones at once. 5. It's no longer possible to save a milestone where the end date is prior to the start date. 6. Its now possible to use the check boxes to delete multiple milestone rows at once [24991]
Added Cumulative total row to Revenue Forecast report (available in Project > Reports and Dashboard). [20191]
Re-added the accounts transaction list to the transaction pop-up. This is only visible if the HIDE_ACCOUNTS_TRANSACTION_LIST_IN_POP_UP config setting is enabled. [22081]
Added a new option to the Project menu for copying a Project. All mandatory fields in the Project header will be copied over to the new Project. [15251]
Reverting project status to New now reverts project # to the original (pre-confirmed) number. Re-confirming will return to the confirmed project # allocated previously. NB only has an effect when $GET_CONFIRMED_PROJECT_NUMBER = 1. [21201]
Re-added the code for the cost centre search criteria. [24831]
Added 'Project Control' report, available from Project Search, which gives a financial overview of projects selected in search results. Optional - please contact CETA if you wish this to be enabled. [20251]
Additional fields have been added to the dashboard Revenue Forecast 2 report. These include Project Type, Product, Title, Start Date and Our Contact. We have also added some new options for users who have the ability to view Staff Costs. Users who have this access code enabled will have the option to filter results to display Profit, Cost and Revenue. [26384]
Added timezone support for Montreal and Toronto. [26011]
Added the option to show holidays and sick leave on the day schedule, (cat gif), page. This can be done by adding `&holiday=1` to the end or the URL. [14721]
We have added a split job option. When you have a long form booking that is conflicting with other jobs you can choose to split it up. You right click on the job and choose "Fill non-conflicting gaps" - the long form booking will be cut up into chunks and they will "fall into" the gaps left where there is no conflict... Then you can choose to change the times to what you wish. [12431]
Fixed issue where multiple sundry costs could be created if the user clicked the save link more than once on a new sudnry cost record. [25311]
We've added the ability to specify the decimal places you want to see on the search tables. In particular, the job table has totals for booked/billed work. [24731]
Added ability to create duplicate library records, but retain a link to the original. ie, for re-using the same physical item for multiple projects. [10771]
We've updated the Xero export so that you can group the lines on your invoices by certain fields from the project costings. For example, you may want to group the lines based on the service, to keep the invoice's a touch smaller. [26354]
Made some major improvements to the way the DMG page is drawn. Things are now many times faster and the entire feature is more usable, especially if there are many jobs in the list. [23931]
Removed time from invoice date on the "stock" invoice printout [26171]
The Project 'Breakdown' report, (accessed via the Progress tab), no longer includes New bids, only Confirmed and Completed are used to calculate the totals. [26396]
You can now edit the production company fields on a quote even if its not New - if you have the /savequote access code. The boxes are highlighted green like other areas of iCFM. This denotes you can edit the value of the field without pressing a Save button. [11621]
Changed the way the search exports work. Previously you were limited by the URL length and this caused issue if you want to export a LOT of data. This has been changed to a POST and now is (almost) unlimited. [26334]
Added ability to add / delete resources to / from a view via the schedule. [16001]
We've moved the code that retains your search table settings into the database, so they are retained whichever computer you use. You can also wipe your local internet settings and the information will still remain. [24041]
We've renamed some of the columns in the search screens. Some of the column data is made up with database "sub queries" and the previous column heading(s) for some of these wouldn't make much sense to a user/client and could cause embarrassment. [18991]
Bug Fixes
We've fixed a bug which meant you could no longer "no charge" an internal costing row. [24571]
Fixed issue where company account information would not save if the notes field included special characters. [23691]
Improved the client side user-friendliness of the interim creations. [25491]
Fixed issue where the user would be automatically logged out of the system if certain functions timed out when dealing with large Projects. [26262]
Fixed rounding issue if you use alt currency quote, but select project currency (and use percentage option). [23221]
Ensured accounts transaction Amount field is always read-only, EXCEPT for Billing Approvals when using '$MAKE_AMOUNT_READ_ONLY_ON_ACCOUNTS_TRANSACTION = 0'. [23151]
Fixed issue where the list of existing contacts did not load when adding a new contact record. [23371]
Fixed ordering of jobs on the DMG Control, including jobs whose 'flagurgent' field is NULL. [23011]
We fixed a bug where the DMG Control was no longer split in two so you had to scroll to the bottom to see the DMG instructions. Especially annoying for those of you with very busy DMG departments! [18911]
Fixed issue where costing rows with a zero unit charge, total or VAT would cause the reversal function to leave the positive rows on the original job. [25701]
Prevented ability to attach entities (despatch notes, media, misc costs, po's etc) to 2nd Pencil and Unavailable jobs. Similarly, prevented changing job status to 2nd Pencil/Unavailable if job has entities attached. This prevents missed costs in reporting 'gekko' data, which ignore these job statuses. [8259]
Fixed issue preventing media added to Media Required from being displayed in Job > Media Required tab. Also fixed join issue, and typo (Format caption) in search def file. [26264]
Fixed issue whereby editing a billing row, and entering zero as the unit price would result in the price being reverted to ratecard price. [23061]
Fixed issue where it would be possible to create new Jobs and Miscellaneous Costs on a Project which had been Sent To Accounts. [26279]
Fixed issue where clicking the Lead ID from the Company 'Leads' tab would not open the Lead. [26390]
We've fixed a bug we introduced where stock pricing wouldn't always come across correctly when costing a job [26240]
Fixed a bug which was stopping you printing barcode labels. [23921]
Fixed issue where some Milestones would not be displayed for some resources. This happened when the Project Our Contact did not have a Milestone entry. [22801]
Re-introduced the ability to change Project types if the ALLOW_PROJECT_TYPE_CHANGE_ON_PROJECTS config setting is enabled. [23601]
Re-wrote the ribbon F code so that it is drawn as a table rather than a series of divs which was causing display issues. [17681]
We fixed a bug where we had removed the ability to sort the invoice list on a project by the description. [18301]
Fixed issue where the grand total and invoice total would be displayed as double the actual totals on some Purchase Orders. [24981]
Fixed issue with the formatting of the supplier address when the city and state were present. [20611]
Fixed issue where you would be unable to copy a Purchase Order if the job it was attached to had the Purchase Order job Type [23971]
Fixed a bug where, if the user's status was NULL, the PO limit wouldn't be returned - meaning the user wouldn't be able to authorise POs [24011]
When Completing a Purchase Order, the Invoice Total for each detail row is copied to the project total 'PT' field. Previously this would remain as the row total value. The value is now also converted to the project currency. [6759]
Fixed issue where the inside and outside costs on the bid summary might be incorrect if the markup total field was null instead of zero. [25861]
On the quote dropdown, a single quote in the contact's name would mess up the creation of a billing approval. [23421]
Fixed an issue where it was possible to save a New bid without entering a start and end date. [26328]
Fixed issue where adding or editing a non-discountable service would result in the unit price being displayed with additional places [10281]
Fixed issues where the Project Type currency caption did not update when reselecting a Project type. Also fixed problem where the Bid currency was not updating when changing the depot. [19791]
Re-added the Copy and Excel buttons on custom reports page. [24351]
Fixed issues with config setting checks, which would not have worked (specifically $SHOW_RESOURCE_RATE_ON_RESOURCE_INFO and $USE_DATE_BASED_ACTUAL_TIMES checks). [22751]
Fixed problem where the notes and comments displayed in shifts and holidays on the main schedule would not be displayed correctly when certain characters were included. [26252]
Fixed staff cost column on job results was previously showing totalsell - should be totalbuy [24371]
Removed Depot from the Project search criteria. [22971]