Release Notes - 19.05
The Project list on the My Projects dashboard tab will now show Projects where the user is the Executive Producer. Further documentation can be found here. icfm/core#511
Added new config setting which will allow the new Bid Financials Panel to be open by default when opening a bid. The new setting is named – DISPLAY_QUOTE_FINANCIALS_BY_DEFAULT. Further documentation can be found here. icfm/core#504
When importing a CSV file of sundries you are now given more information about failures, such as which row and why. This should make it easier to quickly discover problematic imports. cfm/core#484
We have added a new report to the dashboard called “Quote Services”, which allows fast searching on Bid line items. You can enter some criteria and search to see all matching bid rows for that service, between dates, for specific project types. The main justification for adding this report was to provide a simple way of seeing how much had been quoted for food in a tax year. However, it has many other uses. Further documentation can be found here. icfm/core#461
We’ve changed the project calendar view so that the days run from Monday to Sunday like a normal working week. Furthermore, long form bookings (bookings that span days) will now print on the individual working days. icfm/core#454
Each of the reports on the Report Pack tab on the dashboard now has an Export, CSV and Copy button. icfm/core#453
The Job Costings list on the Project Client Billing tab now displays the Job subtitle in Green text beneath the Job ID. Similarly, the Resource attached to the costing will be displayed beneath the description.
Also added a horizontal scrollbar to the costings list. icfm/core#412
We have consolidated several behind-the-scenes methods of configuring Sundry Types (in Misc Costs). The only noticeable change to the user is that you can now see the associated ratecard service, next to the ‘Sundry Type’ box in the Misc Costs screen. icfm/core#409
Added the ability to create labels for each rate card service. These are manually entered and should be separated by a comma if entering multiple labels. Further documentaion can be found here. icfm/core#404
In the Job > DMG tab, added the ability to add several blank lines in one go for Inputs and Outputs. Use the + button followed by ‘Add [Blank]’ menu option. Further documentaion can be found here. icfm/core#384
Added the ability to add media events to a specific Job ID from the events search page. Events can be added to the Job as DMG Inputs or Outputs or as required media. icfm/core#383
Added the Library and Event duration fields as search criteria in the DMG Input / Output media search pop-up. icfm/core#382
Made a small change so that Product name’s are now displayed in alphabetical order in the Product search criteria drop down list. icfm/core#381
We’ve improved the readability of the LDAP error message when a user enters the wrong account details. Now, when a user enters incorrect login information, they will receive an “Invalid credentials” error message, instead of the highly cryptic “Unable to bind to LDAP server”. icfm/core#377
The Lead Artist/Editor and director/producer search criteria are not auto-suggest lists. icfm/core#376
Added new accesss code (/changejobproductcompany) to control ability to alter the Product and Company on a saved job. Doing so should be done with caution, as prices can vary for different Products/Companies. icfm/core#373
Roll number can now be displayed in the media header as well as the Our Ref field. icfm/core#371
Added a new option to the Project ‘Entities’ tab named Sub Projects. This tab displays all Project records that have the Project Number of the selected Project in the ‘Related Project’ field. Further documentation can be found here. icfm/core#367
You can now write your own JavaScript code to be included on the entity display pages. This means you can default certain text boxes to certain values when creating a new project, or job. You can display an alert when opening a company. The list of possibilities is pretty much, endless. If you would like to discuss this, then speak to a CETA support person. icfm/core#366
We’ve added a super useful “Clear” button to the search pages. This will do as you’d expect, and clear what is entered into the search boxes. icfm/core#364
Changed layout of the Company Information header to allow for UK and European formatted addresses. icfm/core#271
We’ve changed the report pack dashboard reports slightly. The reports that have resources within them, like “Schedule Artists”, for instance, are now grouped by the resource category. This keeps relevant artists together, such as all the 3D artists. icfm/core#189
For consistency with our spectrum API, user status (cetauser.fd_status) now must be set to ‘Active’ to be able to log in. This has been the case to some degree for some time, but other values such as ‘Available’ would be allowed. icfm/core#512
Companies are now displayed as a clickable link beneath the contact name on the Project Team tab. icfm/core#473
Fixed problem caused by entering ‘<‘ symbol in DMG Input/Output boxes – the text would be saved/displayed incorrectly. icfm/core#465
Added ‘Removed Selected Media’ button to Job > Media Required tab. Previously there was no way to remove media that had been added! icfm/core#464
Added currency formatting (namely thousand separators) to monetary values in quote detail lines, and quote section total. icfm/core#436
Our Contact field is now populated when creating new media from the Job > Media tab.
Also added our contact validation against the resource record. icfm/core#405
We’ve changed the way the schedule dividers work. They are now individual lines in the admin options->view editor in their own right and can be moved around independently from the resources. icfm/core#370
Fixed bug in the shift and holiday editor where changing the start date would sometimes update the end date incorrectly. icfm/core#368
The access code /savejobschedule is intended to allow/deny users from being able to add/delete/edit resources booked on jobs. This rule was not implemented everywhere but now has been. The only exception is that resource booking statuses can be changed by changing job status (assuming the user has permission to do that, ie /savejob). icfm/core#342
The ‘Set as ready to export’ button is now displayed if the transaction is an invoice and there is no prepared date. icfm/core#341
Fixed a bug which was stopping internal invoices from showing the billing lines during the “Full Detail” print mode. icfm/core#289
Fixed problem which allowed users to edit Authorised, Goods Received and Completed Purchase Orders if using $CREATE_MONTHLY_PO_JOBS setting, which should be prohibited at all times. Note that this is a non-standard setup and does not affect most systems. icfm/core#288
When selecting the pagination limit on each of the search forms the system will now save the current setting for all search pages rather than saving them individually for each search form. icfm/core#287
A ‘Clear’ button has been added to all read-only date pickers throughout the system. icfm/core#264