Release Notes 19.02

Please be advised that the release notes are still a work in progress as the team finish up the final bits of development.  We will aim to have them finished very soon so please do keep checking back!



  • We’ve added the ability to lasso multiple jobs and change their times. You can choose from the standard iCFM preset times (i.e. AM, PM and full day).  In addition, you can choose to “squeeze” the jobs into fractions of the day. icfm/core#311

  • A Print button has been added to the Project calendar page which also gives the option to export to PDF [1283].  icfm/core#309

  • We’ve added the ability to print the calendar schedule. The calendar schedule can be found in the Project page under the “Schedule->Calendar” menu option [783]. icfm/core#239

  • (NEW) We’ve added the ability to copy/move multiple resource schedules (as long as they are all for the same resource) at once. Simply lasso the jobs in question and then use the drag/copy buttons on the lasso toolbar.  In addition to this, we have made iCFM remember where you left the lasso popup [453] icfm/core160


  • Made some improvments to quote export / import functionality [956] icfm/core#274

    • Added ‘select all’ sections checkbox to export & import popups.

    • Sections containing no line items (or only zero quantity/time items) are no longer offered to export.

    • Added ability to import section(s) at top or bottom or the quote (previously always inserted at top).

    • Comments entered when exporting are now displayed when importing the file.

    • Covering letter (optionally) added to export file, which can be merged with existing covering letter when importing.

  • We have added a new side panel to the Bid display page. This shows a breakdown of various financials on the quote, and includes a link to each section allowing easy access (rather than having to scroll up and down).  We have also added a new setting that allows a 3rd option – where costs can be assigned as either Inside or Outside. The third setting allows setting an item as “Intercompany” – and revenue is excluded on calculations. This was developed so that where you have clear passthrough costs to another company within your group, you can flag them as such. Ask us for more information [777] icfm/core#322.


  • We have built some schedule-based management reports that show daily or weekly bookings for x number of days/weeks. These are available from within the new “Report Pack” dashboard tab.
    The reports allow you to choose how you wish to see the data – and it is possible to show it by artist, our contact, client, product etc.
    It takes a fraction of a second to build most reports – even if you want to see 2 years, by week for everyone at your facility. [533] [542] icfm/core#190.
    Jobs are colour-coded, and vacation is shown in the results too.

  • In the new dashboard Report Pack, schedule based reports now show partial (ie. non-full day) bookings as a smaller bar with their size relative to the portion of a full day. [536] icfm/core#193

  • The ‘Service’ criteria on the Job search page now also looks at the DMG service descriptions [878]. icfm/core#310.

  • (NEW) We have re-built the UI of the main Project page, so that we can more easily customise things. As a part of this, we have added the ability to include a team list in the top right corner. This allows easy viewing of everyone involved in the Project – rather than having to open the People->Team list. The list also shows any commission values. icfm/core#305

  • (NEW) Added new Project level report that shows the Margins data – grouped by Inside or Outside, so you are able to see profit for each cost type. [783] icd=fm/core#163

  • (NEW) Added the ability to set up specific Team roles which, if the logged in user is booked as, will show the Project in the “My Projects” dashboard report. icfm/core#54

User Settings

  • This is useful for staff who solely use one part of the software, such as the schedule. In the user’s information screen, you can choose from “Dashboard” (the default), “Schedule” and “Admin Options”.   Next time the user logs into iCFM, their landing page automatically loads. [830] icfm/core#164


  • Added script which will remove and whitespace from the beginning and end of all contacts names throughout the system. This fixes many validation issues where contacts names are saved. icfm/core#161  


  • Added the ability to specify whether ratecard services are taxable or not. This does not yet affect costings, but will do in a future release. [1017] icfm/core#151


  • Added the ability to edit the lead Phase from the lead search results. icfm/core#267


  • If you are set up as a Project ‘Costing Contact’, those Projects will now be listed on the dashboard ‘My Projects’ tab. [929] icfm/core#247  

  • Reinstated the column sorting capabilities of many Dashboard reports. [334] icfm/core#48


  • Added a new field to the accounts transaction pop-up named Due Date. This field is editable after the billing approval becomes an invoice. icfm/core#150

  • Added a new config setting which when enabled will only allow the setting of an invoice date to be within the current month. This applies to Invoices and Deposit Invoices. The setting is named – $RESTRICT_INVOICE_DATE_TO_CURRENT_MONTH – and is disabled by default. [1018] icfm/core#276  

  • (NEW) Added a new setting that allows Billing of Completed Bids. Without this setting enabled, it is not possible to select a Completed Bid from the drop down when creating a new Billing Approval. icfm/core#337


  • We have added the ability to set up custom mandatory fields before a Project can be set as Sent To Accounts. [1032] icfm/core#273  


  • (NEW) You can now export search results as XLS files. Simply click the .xls button at the bottom of the search filters.



  • It is now possible to create new quote templates from the Bid Template Editor page. icfm/core#182


  • Cost Job’ feature which can be used to update jobs to Costed in bulk is now available when using the Regular / Weekend / Overtime job actualisation method. icfm/core#249


  • We have added the ability to “hide” a project type from certain drop-downs. Mostly the search pages WILL show them for historical reasons, however when creating new projects, the hidden options will not be visible.  This ability can be found in the Admin Options -> Allocation Editor. icfm/core#320


  • (NEW) We have upgraded the libraries for our table and grid controls. This means we have fewer graphical glitches in the UI and tables load slightly faster.   icfm/core#339

Bug Fixes


  • Removed the ‘ALL’ option from the schedule depot drop down list as it would cause the page to freeze if selected. [1237]  icfm/core#262

  • Fixed bug where resources that have child services attached to them would have the child service duplicated when using the Lasso tool on the main Schedule page. [1265]  icfm/core#277


  • Added Our Contact field to Lead page. This removes need to add a Team member for Our Contact, and populates the Project Our Contact field when creating project from lead.  icfm/core#180

  • Fixed problem which could cause depot selectors to not show all depots. Affected some reports in Project screen, and Dashboard.  icfm/core#281


  • Fixed issue where toggling the rate card action icons would cause the page to scroll back to the top if you were editing a row further down the page.  icfm/core#182


  • Fixed bug where the width of the service code column in the quote Summary was not set which meant it could cause display issues at certain screen resolutions on a Linux machine. icfm/core#107

  • We’ve changed the way quotes are generated from templates.
    If the template contains any services which have been changed to HIDDEN or DELETED, or have no GL/Nominal Code then these will NOT be added to the new quotes. icfm/core#235


  • Improved security of search screens to minimise the ability to use SQL injection attacks.  icfm/core#253


  • Fixed typo in a line of text that appears on the Client Billing page of a Project that is Sent To Accounts.  icfm/core#181

  • (NEW) We fixed a bug which meant no charging a MCS would no charge the jobs within it, even if they had been invoiced. [736] icfm/core#157


  • Updating job type names in Combo Box Options will now automatically update job records with that job type, to prevent subsequent issues such as job type filters not achieving the desired effect.  icfm/core#266

Robert Salmeron