Release Notes 17.08
New Features
Added the ability to add or edit Project notes after the Project has been Completed. [7738]
We've added a new quote template editor. This will enable you to take control of your quote templates. You can rename and delete them from this screen. It can be found in the standard admin options section of iCFM. [13872]
iCFM can now be configured to work behind a load balancer. [20591]
* It is no longer permitted to change an accounts transaction to an Invoice if any negative costings are attached WHEN USING "accounts_software_export": "sage" and "accounts_export_single_nominal": "" configuration, since Sage does not permit this. * Added group by 'GL/Nominal Code' option to Quote summary table. * Added 'Match Bid/Quote' button to Project > Client Billing. This will match costings attached to transaction to associated quote, per nominal code. NOTE: requires "accounts_software_export": "sage" and "accounts_export_single_nominal": "" settings. [15911]
It is no longer possible to reselect a project from the Job header if the Job has costing rows allocated to an account transaction. [20961]
Fixed issue where you were unable to remove the company and contact details from the resource editor. [18271]
We've removed the 'Not Required' check box from the shipping note header since it essentially did the same as the 'No Charge' check box. So now, if the No Charge check box is not ticked, the system will assume that it should be charged for and show a message to say that a Job ID must be selected. [14591]
Added a new 'Copy' icon to the transaction list on the Client Billing tab which will allow the copying of invoices and billing approvals. The copied invoices will also create a job with the correct interim lines attached. [15231]
Added an option to create an interim for the remaining amount of a bid that has not been invoiced. This feature is available on the 'Create Interim Deposit' dialogue box. [15241]
Reversal invoices are now allocated the current date as the Invoice Date when they are created. Formally this field would be blank. [5486]
When creating a Project from a Lead the lead editor will automatically have the commission set to 100 percent. This will also happen when adding a new Lead Editor via the Project Team tab. [7485]
We've integrated a Xero Accounts export into iCFM. Please contact CETA if you wish to use this package. [10331]
If you revert a Job status from Costed and then remove the resource schedule items we now delete the costing rows relating to those resource schedule items. [16581]
Added resources with the category "Locations" to the Print Schedule page [20501]
If you copy/create a quote from a template - the source quote ID is now stored. So you can revert any rate changes to the original rates. Non-discount, virtual status, descriptions and prices will be affected. [7868]
If the Bid Revenue option is enabled on your system, the details of how the bid is split will be included in the Bid Confirmation email. [16941]
Fixed issue that would stop the copying of a bid if you did not have the 'Copy details rows' check box ticked. [14071]
The Bid summary pop-out is now much bigger so there is no need for scrolling on most bids. [19161]
The new start and end date datepickers on the 'Copy Bid...' dialog now default to the original bid dates. If these dates are not re-selected a message will pop-up when you try to save to make you confirm that these are the correct dates. You will be redirected back to the Copy Bid dialog and will have to un-tick the Change Dates check box. If the start and end dates are re-selected, no message will be given. [19701]
We've added the ability to create quote templates from quote sections. If you have a quote section with services in it that are often used, you can save this section as a template. Then, when editing a quote you can insert these sections into your quote. Just use the "+ Section" button like before, but now you will be offered a list of templates to insert. [12151]
When creating a resource record from a contact, we now copy over the contacts telephone and email address to the resource record. [17221]
Added checkbox to hide used resources On the schedule there is now a new check box (a) which will hide any resources with bookings on them in the current view. This makes it easier to schedule work as you've only got 100% available resources on screen. [12352]
The Job status indicator on the top right of a schedule booking bar, which shows the status of the job if it is different than the status of the resource, is now a triangle which takes up less space on the booking bar. [12051]
We now record the freelance status of a resource at the time the job is booked. Once the Job is Completed the status is no longer updated. This will allow us, or you, to create historical reports which show if a resource was a freelancer on a specific Job. [13351]
We have added a method of moving DMG requests around. You can move them up and down within the job. This enables you to re-order them without deleting and starting over. [7618]
Added bid start and end date drop-down to the copy bid dialog box. This replaces the 'Clear Dates' options which would, incorrectly, allow you to create a bid without any dates. [6740]
When you update a ratecard description or category, the quote templates that use this service are also updated. This means your templates are always up-to-date and you don't need to update them manually. [12561]
Fixed system so that you have to enter a nominal code (GL code) when adding a ratecard item. These codes are very important to the working of the billing system. [13051]
We've changed the cost tracker project tab. The 4 grids are now split into two grids, one for actuals and one for projected costs. This makes it easier to read. There is a simple radio toggle to switch between the two. [11371]
The Entered By and Requested By search criteria now have auto suggest functionality. [17861]
Bug Fixes
Milestone Schedule View - Fixed bug that would cause certain milestone entries to be displayed on the Milestone Schedule view multiple times. [18571]
Fixed problem where 'dmg_service' entitytype is being sent to gekkoqueue...when it should be 'dmgservice'. [19051]
Fixed issue with the category dropdown list which was displaying the same category multiple times. [17611]
Improved the stability of file uploads by ensuring you cannot upload a duplicate filename. Previously this would just delete the existing one. Now, we append a number to the end of the filename automatically for you. [19251]
Fixed issue that could (erroneously) prevent ability to cancel an accounts transaction, if user has /allowRevertAccTransFromBillApproval access code denied. [18881]
Added currency information to Sage export. [16231]
Added ability to roll-back latest Sage export. [16231]
Costing and resource schedule service rows are now set to no charge when No Charging a costing sheet, (MCS). [10871]
Fixed bug which stopped you saving an accounts transaction if the internal field was NULL which is nearly always is [17521]
Account Transaction Date Picker - Fixed issue which caused the account transaction pop-up to auto close when trying to use the date picker to select an invoice date. [21101]
Fixed billing issue preventing quantities/time units of < 1 from being allowed, and decimals in general would be rounded to integers. [17441]
Fixed bug where a companies account code would not be updated correctly when being added or edited from the company account details form. [19501]
Prevented the contactname/id validation tripping up if you have the `$HIDE_CONTACT_UNKNOWN_OPTION` setting set to 0 and you are saving the "contact unknown" option [17451]
Fixed issue where the Parent Company ID would not be cleared from the Project header if the parent company was removed. [20291]
Fixed bug where saving a deadline on a dub job wouldn't always copy over the start/end times too if you have the setting on that leaves them separated. [18631]
Fixed an issue where carriage returns would not always display correctly on the job notes panel [17821]
Multi-line comments on Leads were showing the HTML for 'br' rather than creating new lines. Moved the nl2br code outside of the sanitisation function. [17631]
It seems when you switch from media search to media movement and back, the JS isn't loaded and breaks the search page. [13021]
Resolved an issue which meant barcodes with certain characters in them could not be found using the quick find media option in the main menu [17801]
Fixed issue which prevented a user from changing the product on a project [7536]
Fixed issue with quote comments losing their formatting [17951]
Fixed bug which prevented booking tooltips from displaying correctly if they have strange characters in them [18321]
Fixed issue where you couldn't add a product from the new project screen [18261]
After saving the PCS code on a new project, the screen would either refresh blank or not go away. The user thinks its not saved and tries again [18621]
Fixed bug which was allowing you to add negative costing lines to invoices. This also prevents you changing a BA into an invoice if its negative. [17971]
Fixed a bug which meant you couldn't change the product on a project [18081]
Fixed a nasty (on the eyes) resize issue on schedule A/B. [18391]
Fixed issue whereby saving a project with the checkbox ticked to apply title to associated jobs, would not actually update the jobs. [18421]
Certain characters were causing problems in contact names. We have now fixed this issue and the drop down will always find the contact you are searching for. [18661]
Fixed Project # caption in project search results. [19261]
The PO invoice list pop up no longer obscures the 'hide invoices' button. [12641]
Fixed a bug which stopped the supplier search box from working on POs [18241]
Added validation so you have to pick a budget code from the list when adding a PO detail line [16781]
Fixed a sporadic bug where the discount of a quote service would be blank (i.e. not a number, or zero). [18691]
Fixed it so when you paste a new quote detail line, the totals are refreshed at the top of the screen. [12221]
We've improved data integrity by checking if a service has been used in more places before allowing you to delete them. [20741]
Resolved a small issue which meant the daySchedule wouldn't show you a job if it started on a day prior to the view and finished on a day later, for example, a long form booking that spanned the current view. [13951]
When splitting an unavailable Job into days or months etc, the resources attached to all of the jobs that are created will retain the Unavailable status. [12631]
Generic resources are now displayed when using the dynamic schedule feature. [20041]
Fixed a bug which would cause a Confirmed Job not to display until manually refreshing the schedule view, if it was created from the Schedule's quick booking dialog. [16391]
Fixed a bug which stopped the lasso from swapping resources correctly [18091]
Fixed an issue where the "unused" schedule resources tick box wouldn't remember its value when the page was drawing different days/views [20001]
Fixed a bug which prevented the resource service duration from being held when toggling the no charge option of a service. It would lose user entered data [12052]
Allowed the new search screens to use more of the available screen area. [17391]
Added 'Cancelled' to options for Transaction Type criteria in Accounts Transaction search. [19301]
Fixed a bug in the new search page where the CONTAINS operator is used. [17961]
Fixed the new searches so iCFM remembers your preference with regards to the number of records shown in a search result. This should be remembered across browsing sessions until you clear your Firefox cache. [19921]
Fixed issue with sundry status changer in the new search grid [17851]
Fixed issue in the search results pages where links to the web address would open a new email window rather than the web page. [21991]
The button to create new sundry costs didn't work and the loadProjectTabs() code didn't load the sundry costs at all... I also fixed the auto-population of project details on the new sundry when creating from a project [17411]
The Depot field is now filled in (based on users depot) when saving a new sundry. [17551]
Fixed a small issue where sundry receipts would not upload if we haven't created a special folder for your site. This is now automatic... [17571]
If the client had a user.css in their corresponding /config/client/ folder, it wasn't being picked up on the login page. [17401]