Release Notes 15.08 (10755)

Release: 15-08.10755
- Hannah Chatfield - Max Ricketts - Adrian Speigal - Chris Tate-Davies - Steve Lilley-Hopkins

Added a new accesscode for users who are allowed to cancel a Project (as long as it has no confirmed work or revenue attached). The access code is '/allowcancelproject'. - 4502

Added a load more functionality regarding accounts transaction validation (checking for VAT requirements etc). If you would like to know more about this, please contact us. - 3246

We've added the option to extract the first day of an extended booking. The option can be found in the right click on a job. - 3532

When confirming a quote, if the quote contains DELETED services, then the error message is a bit more understandable now. - 4054

We added the ability to add a list of services that the P&L dashboard tab ignores when totalling the exceptional costs. - 2112

We've given you the ability to add external contacts to the company CRM tab. - 4046

Entering a zip code into a company now will pull through the correct city/state automatically. - 4782

The breakdown grid in the top right of a quote has been redesigned to show more useful information, such as broken down by Inside/Outside costs, etc. - 4014

We fixed an issue with the repeat booking screen that occasionally sent the user back in time to 1900. - 4656

We've added a new 'user list' to the admin section of iCFM so you can easily see a list of your users.

We've finally allowed the user to edit rates in the quote grid for 'non discountable virtual' items. This was never possible before, and you had to use a long winded method of updating the prices. - 3777

Fixed a bug which meant you couldn't search for a partial match on a client PO number in the accounts transaction search screen. - 4833

When iCFM creates billing rows for items from Purchase Orders, they are automatically marked as OUTSIDE costs. - 4591

We have given the view editor (in the admin section) a bit of a late spring clean. - 4829

We've enhanced the allowed character sets in some of the drop downs, such as 'Our Contact' so people with foreign characters in their name are displayed correctly. - 4673

We've changed the way the resource search works so that the default service is no longer used. This provides more accurate results when using the 'tier' search. - 2049

We've added the ability to add events to the event queue so that you can get gekko data rebuilt at will. Please contact us for more information.

We've supercharged the DMG control so that it loads data more efficiently.

On the 'Freelancer Bookings (with rates)' management report, we've added subtotals to each freelancer. - 4934

In the leads search results, you can now add comments directly using the + sign in the comments field. - 4993

We're all aware that the project tabs list is pretty massive. Now your IT manager can have some of the tabs hidden. Please contact us for more information. - 4996

Just a small change, but when actualising something that is measured in units, like 'Each', then the text prompts you to enter the number of 'Units'. - 4879

Fixed a financial calculation error in the 'Client Billing' group by Nominal code section. - 4615

Made the login screen look nicer when using a Linux PC (we're not OS discriminatory)

Fixed an annoying page refresh issue when editing a quote detail line. Occasionaly, the screen would shift around a bit. - 3019

Squished a bug which meant that old school DMG style job lines with a quantity of 0 would appear in the 'Client Billing' 'Uncosted Jobs' section for no good reason.

Improved the job screen so that if you open another page/tab and then come back, the page is refreshed - which will load all the most recent info in. The only exception is if you are looking at notes, as you may not have finished typing, and that would be most annoying. - 5011

Added a new accesscode for staff who want to be able to edit Completed Purchase Orders. The code is /allowEditingCompletedDetailsPurchaseOrder - we like to keep them nice and short. - 4675

We've added the option of how many decimal places to show in the quote breakdown grid on the quote summary. This means your site can be either super accurate, or not (to save space). - 4014

We've prevented users from changing an accounts transaction to a Reversal. If you need a reversal, you must create it correctly. - 4866

Fixed a bug that prevented users from using the '&' character in a Service description. - 5044

Resolved an issue which meant the Project Cross Site tab would sometimes show the job dates incorrectly. - 5043

In a previous update, we accidently removed the ability to drag and drop quote sections. We're sorry about this regression and have fixed it. - 5054

Added a new checkbox on the schedule view that hides any resources that have no bookings in the current view. Nifty eh!? Its captioned 'U', which is short for 'Unused'. - 2980

Closed a loop hole which let users change the jobID of a library item even if that library item had been costed/invoiced on that job. - 4516

For data integrity reasons, the Project Type, Project Number and Product fields are now mandatory when creating Shipping Notes. - 5063

We've increased the number of decimal places allowed for actual/billable hours to make it more accurate for certain WORKING_HOURS_PER_DAY fractions. - 5084

Fixed a sporadic bug which meant saving a ratecard entry would sometimes tell you to 'Please wait' indefinitely. We know you're busy, and don't have time to wait forever, so we've fixed this.

There is an issue where, if you have a group user template with the /superuser code within it, the users assigned to this template will have access to everything, regardless of denials in their own account.

Occasionally, depending on timezone configuration, split weeks jobs will result in one too many days

Robert Salmeron