Release Notes 15.02 (10286)

Release: 15-02.10286
- Hannah Chatfield - Max Ricketts - Adrian Speigal - Chris Tate-Davies - Steve Lilley-Hopkins

Added the ability to search / filter the results on the "Revenue To Bill" dashboard report. Also added export and copy buttons. - 4576

It is no longer possible to confirm a Quote if the 'blocks' values do not match (or almost match) the Quote total. - 4529

The Quote 'blocks' used for revenue projection would sometimes have a 1970 date. This is no longer the case (existing data may need rebuilding). They are also now always created in the Project currency. - 3044 - 4555

Fixed issue on the "USA Invoice List (Exported Accounts Transactions)" report. Items with no date would sometimes show 1969 rather than a blank cell. - 4504

Fixed an issue which meant the Product drop down would not highlight if a custom ratecard was present, if the Product name had an ampersand symbol. - 4517

When applying a discount to a Quote, the new total is spread over the Quote 'blocks' using the same distribution per month as was previously set. - 4531

The ratecard price was sometimes not being displayed for Virtual items on the Job Billing tab. It should now always be present. - 4533

Fixed an issue which was preventing some Projects from showing up on the "Revenue To Bill" report on the Dashboard. - 4576 Note: Added a new setting to circumvent this if the users preferred the old way.

Fixed an issue where spaces in a VAT code would prevent an Accounts Transaction from saving. - 4584

Copying a Job would sometimes reset the duration of the booked Services on the new Job, when they should have also been copied. This is now the case. - 4577

You can now edit the unit price for all Virtual items on Job Billing, even if the item is non-discountable. - 4521

The Gekko tab on a Project is now hidden if the user does not have the '/displayfinance' access code. - 4541

Removed the buttons to allow changing the exchange rate when creating new Accounts Transactions (they appear once you save). - 4421

Robert Salmeron