Release Notes 15.02 (9838)

Release: 15-02.9838
- Adrian Speigal - Chris Tate-Davies


Fixed issue in Quotes where entering a comma symbol when entering a new flat rate would cause the number to be saved incorrectly. - 4063


Re-enabled popular feature of being able to click on a date in the Schedule in the middle of making a "quick booking" to book it on that particular day. - 4057


Fixed issue in Quotes where deleted services (highlighted in yellow) would have their style lost when editing the Quote lines. - 4055


Fixed issue where internet links would be very hard to read on old style DMG extended notes. - 4041


Fixed issue where Management Report, Utilisation Report LA People, would pass the Depot to the report multiple times. - 3765


Fixed incorrectly placed headings and column data in "Artist Hours Incl Extras" report. - 3836


Enabled editing of rates in the Project->Service Costs tab. - 4030 Note: If a rate appears uneditable, it is probably because this Resource does not have an association with the Service. You can add one using the Resource information editing panel on the Schedule.


Fixed bug where updating an internal Accounts Transaction would remove the "Internal" flag, turning it back into an external Accounts Transaction. - 4071

Robert Salmeron