Release Notes 18.05

Release Notes

New Features


  • Added ability to view DMG jobs on the schedule, by ticking the 'D' checkbox. Note, that Schedule views will require resource(s) with a name beginning 'Unassigned DMG' with suitable Cost Centre for unassigned DMG jobs to be shown. Otherwise, only Jobs assigned to an operator in the DMG page, with a start/end time will appear, and they will be shown against their resource. This means that as well as seeing the usual Scheduled artist/editor style jobs in the Schedule, you can see jobs that would normally only appear in the DMG page. The idea is that you can visualise how busy your DMG team are. [5151]


  • We have developed a new tool for recording information about Artists' Contracts. This means you can set up and record historical and forward-looking information about the agreements you have with your Artists. This includes the type of contract, start and end dates, and rates for that Artist's standard and overtime. This will be built out into a system where we can alert you of approaching renewal requirements, and track more accurate costing information when you schedule people on jobs. Eventually, this information can also be displayed on the Schedule to allow you to see where there may be resourcing and capacity issues. [7431]


  • We have developed a new system for adding "plugins" to iCFM, and our first plugin is a new tool for building complex CG-style bids. It has been developed to help you build out complex bids without the overhead typically involved in our regular iCFM bidding process. It is ideal for large CG-heavy projects, which usually contain many Elements, each with many Services. An Element can be a Shot or an Asset (or anything else you want to create) and it will consist of rows of services. We have also included the ability to set up templates for the type of work that you might do regularly. Within a template, you can define the quantities of each service for things like "Complex Character" or "Complex Vehicle" etc. which can contain 3 days of Build, 2 days of Lighting etc. This will then mean you can build out a Quote Prep very quickly by simply adding "templated" rows for the various elements involved. Eventually, we will be adding the ability to import this data into our regular Bidding module. [7726] Documentation Page


  • Added a way of seeing artist stats from the resource editor. This includes recent projects they worked on, with financials and actual/booked hours. [11951] Documentation Page


  • Added access code (/showShiftNotesOnBooking) to allow hiding of shift descriptions in Schedule. [26225]


  • Added a report which shows a list of departments, and then a list of staff vs seats to give you an indication of the seats available over a particular time span. [26521] Documentation Page


  • Created new dashboard tab named Pencil Report. This provides a count of pencil, 2nd pencil and confirmed bookings for specific sub categories of staff resources. The background colour for each of the department columns reflects the most bookings for a specific status. Pink for 2nd Pencils, Light Blue for Confirmed and Light Green for Pencils. The report can be filtered by Cost Centre, (depot), Project start and end dates or a single project number can be specified. Access code `/dashPencilReport` required. [26522]


  • Added a new report named Credit List which can be accessed from the Project - People tab. The report displays the resource name, resource category, services and the number of days booked on a project and also the actual number of days on the project. The report can be exported as a CSV and results may be filtered by cost centre. [26523] Documentation Page


  • Created a report which will show a breakdown of hours spent on individual services split by depot per project. [26524] Documentation Page



  • The Schedule will now display jobs booked at the same time, in a 'stacked' manor (similar to Milestone views), as opposed to being drawn on top of each other. [7540] Documentation Page


  • You can now edit the production company fields on a quote even if its not New - if you have the /savequote access code. The boxes are highlighted green like other areas of iCFM. This denotes you can edit the value of the field without pressing a Save button. [11621]


  • Schedule now shows relevant depot for public holidays (eg 'Good Friday (UK)'). Schedule can now show multiple public holidays for the same day - ie there could be different holidays for different depots on the same day. Note that it is possible to highlight (on the schedule) public holidays with a different colour per depot. Please contact CETA for further information. [18251] Documentation Page


  • Made a small change that means artists who do not have the `/savejob` permission will now be able to enter their actual hours and the Job will auto complete, (if auto completion is enabled). Previously the user would need to have the `/savejob` permission in order to perform this task which includes functionality that the user might not need or should not have. The `/applyactualtimes` permission is now the only access code required to complete actual times and auto complete the Job. [26562]


  • When creating an internal accounts transaction, the Depot field no longer defaults to the user depot. As this field cannot be altered once saved, this should reduce likelihood of mistakes. [26756]


  • When importing quote section into a DMG instruction line we now include the section title in the description. Useful information if your bid sections are separated into different spots or episodes. [26906] Documentation Page


  • We've tightened login security. Accounts will become locked after X amount of failed logins. Requiring an administrator to unlock the account. Also, users who have not logged in for X number of days will be automatically locked out. This will prevent users who've left the company to log in at a later date (if you've forgotten to disable them) [27182] Documentation Page

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed problem causing weekend shading & job positioning to appear slightly off (by an hour) when clock change period is visible on the Schedule. [5574]


  • If the text in the search criteria drop down lists exceeds the width of the drop down a tool tip will be displayed showing the full text [22981]


  • Fixed bug where Jobs would not be updated when changing the product name on a project. [27159]


  • Fixed problem which meant it was impossible to remove a default service from a resource. This can now be done by clicking the (green) Default button on the selected default service. [27177]


  • Fixed non-working lead link from Contact > Leads tab. [27188]


  • Fixed typo in text on the project alias pop-up [27189]


  • Fixed bug where deleting a resources default service from the service list on the resource information 'Services' tab would not remove the service code from the resource nominal code field. [27202]

Robert Salmeron