Release Notes 18.03
New Features
Added ability to export & import quote section/detail data. Requires new access codes '/exportquote' and '/importquote', and some configuration required. Please contact CETA for more information. [7212]
Created a new dashboard tab, (To Do List (Filters), which includes search criteria for depot, resource, project number, project type, product, service and also our contact. This also takes into account the /showMyJobs access code which, when denied, will display jobs for all users. [26111]
Added the ability to delete job notes. [26268]
Fixed bug where it was possible to manually enter a Project type into a users profile. This could result in new Projects being created without project numbers. Also added project type validation to other entities if one is required, (including user information). [26916]
Created a script to allow you to send the daily (tomorrow) list to a set of email addresses automatically. This requires the use of "tokens" to allow iCFM to be connected via a system script. [7314]
We've added a button to clear a sundry page, so you can create a new sundry cost from an existing one. [21321]
We've added the ability to stop the strict validation of companies and contacts on delivery notes. So you can freetype any string you like without actually creating a company/contact record. This only applies to delivery notes. [25461]
Created a bid estimate report to mimic the financial ribbon F [26755]
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug which meant when you removed contact names from the various elements of a project header, their related resourceID/contactID was not cleared. [26904]
Project contacts that are selected from the resource and company contact lists are now validated when saving a Project header. This is in place to ensure that the Project team is kept in sync with valid contacts/resources. Also added validation for the Internal and External team members when saving. [26907]