Release Notes 18.02

New Features


  • Fixed issue where cancelled jobs that were still attached to a live Bid would be included in the job count on the Project > Entities > Bids page. Now when a job is cancelled we remove the bid id. [26510]

  • Fixed issue where DMG actuals would not be updated if the booked value was changed after the DMG work had been Completed or Costed. This was only a problem when the DMG actuals column was hidden via a config setting. [26596]DMG

  • Increased the size of the `dmgoperation.operation` field to TEXT from VARCHAR (1000). [26809]


  • Fixed issue where some special characters would not be saved when overwriting job notes. [26810]


  • Added (optional) ability to enter leads without Client & Contact records. [26844]


  • Fixed issue where accounts transactions would always open in the same tab when clicking on the id from the transaction search. [26460]


  • It is no longer possible to change the status of a PO from the search page if the user does not have the /savepurchaseorder access code. [26463]


  • Fixed issue with the 'Include VAT' checkbox in the purchase header where the checkbox did not stay ticked when the header refreshed after saving, making it impossible to know whether VAT was being added to the detail lines. The include VAT checkbox is only visible if enabled via a config setting. [26703]


  • Once a bid is Confirmed we now log whether a service included in the bid is at the lowest rate it has ever been for the selected company and project type. When creating a new bid we check the lowest rate data for that company and display a 'Lowest Rate' flag in the unit price column of the bid section if the new rate is lower than used on any previously Confirmed bids. By default, the check for the lowest rate is set to look at rates used on bids Confirmed 12 months in the past or less, but the amount on months can be configured via a config setting. When creating a new bid we check the lowest rate data for that company and display a 'Lowest Rate' flag in the unit price column of the bid section if the new rate is lower than used on any previously Confirmed bids. By default, the check for the lowest rate is set to look at rates used on bids Confirmed 12 months in the past or less, but the amount on months can be configured via a config setting. [19391]


  • Fixed issue where the resource update notification email would include the details of the resource before the changes were made. [26720]


  • Added some additional validation to the Project title in order to prevent potential xss hacks. [26372]


  • Fixed issue where project milestones would not be displayed correctly if the Project contact, our contact or resource names included apostrophes. [26499]


  • Fixed issue where multiple tabs could be opened when clicking on the ID field in the search results. [26454]




  • Added the ability to easily config depots, and related information (timezone, currency etc), without the need for development which was previously required. Note that this has to be done by CETA (or sysadmins) and is not possible from the UI. [26344]


  • Dashboard tabs 'All Misc Costs', 'All Bids' and 'Confirmed Bids' would only work if user had a default Project Type. These will now include results for all project types, if the user doesn't have a default. [10151]


  • We have updated the quotes table in the search results so you can change the quote type from within the grid. [26729]


Bug Fixes


  • Fixed issue whereby user details picked up by username were not excluding DELETED users, when logging in using AD authentication. [26621]


  • Fixed issue which meant VAT Rate/Code may have been shown incorrectly when opening an accounts transaction. [26580]


  • Prevented ability to make new accounts transactions as Deposit Invoices and Deposit Reversals. [26584]


  • We fixed a bug which was stopping you from being able to reposition billing rows on the job display. [26363]


  • We've fixed a fairly major bug which meant that if you edited a reversal, the VAT code and rate would be lost. [26551]


  • Fixed problem which may prevent confirming quote from updating PO prices in job (rss/costing). [26386]


  • Fixed a bug which meant that completed DMG jobs appeared in the not costed list but you couldn't see them. Hard to explain, but if you ever had a project with uncosted items, and when you clicked on it - nothing appeared - that was the problem [25971]


  • Fixed issue where contacts might be displayed multiple times in the contact search results. [26449]


  • Fixed issue where an undefined line would appear on the Dashboard Producer Management tab [26611]


  • Increased the size of resourcescheduleservice.actualisedbyuser field to varchar(50) in order to match the cetauser.initials field. [26579]


  • Fixed issue whereby use of Project > Entities tabs would result in hidden columns (Project Type, Product etc) when using normal search screens. [26482]


  • Fixed issues with the split first day from long form job script where the start and end dates were incorrect due to a problem with UTC conversion. [26633]


  • Fixed issue with adding services to a bid that have double quotes in the description. [26440]


  • Fixed issue with the bid discount which would always be calculated incorrectly if the bid was not in the default project currency. This would effect some of our printed bid reports. [11661]


  • We fixed a bug which prevented a user from clearing dates for a resource, such as holidays start and end and employment start and end. [26478]


  • Fixed problem whereby it was possible to split, and change the times of Completed+ jobs using the Schedule context menu. [26542]


  • Fixed issue that would sometimes cause multiple tabs to open when clicking on the company and contact id's in the search results. [26428]


  • Fixed a bug which meant logins didn't work quite right when the access code field was NULL [26436]


  • When clicking the Add button on the Project Misc Costs tab, the project type is populated with the project type from the project rather than the users default. [26376]


  • We've fixed the project screen so that if you have some custom titles for quote and jobs (estimates and work orders, for instance) then these labels are used on the project summary tab, and also in the entities dropdown on the project screen. [26071]


  • When you use the Show/Hide toggle on the project screen, the summary tab and/or the search grids for the entities will now use up all the available space. Easier to read! [25441]

Robert Salmeron